Open exchange of
for the Italian automotive industry
23 May, 2024
Kilometro Rosso Innovation District |
Gate 4 – Centro delle Professioni | Via Stezzano, 87 – Bergamo
Online attendance allowed
About us
"Un'occasione quasi unica nel panorama nazionale per poter partecipare ad un confronto aperto e concreto sulla crescente complessità degli sviluppi elettronici del mondo automotive e anticipare le sfide innovative degli anni che verranno."
Andrea Mantovani
Project manager Marelli
“I have been attending the annual events of SPIN for many years and I must say that they are the leading Italian events for those involved in electronics in the automotive sector. Not only for us SPICE assessors, for whom they actually represent the national forum, but also for anyone who deals with Quality, Safety and Security. Automotive SPIN Italy is an invaluable source of professional update for many practitioners in the sector.”
Carlo Donzella
Automotive Spice Assessor, Exida Dev. srl
"Automotive SPIN workshop is an event where, whatever your profile is, there is always something to learn because Technical Presentations are at the state of the art in Technology and Standards for the Automotive Scenario.”
Concetta Argiri
Business Development Manager, TXT e-solutions
“Lo spin è ormai un evento di riferimento per la comunità automotive italiana nel contesto software che in questi anni ha permesso di consolidare una visione armonica su molti tematiche.”
Fabio Falcini
Automotive Spice Assessor
"The automotive SPIN Italia is one of the leading events for those involved in electronics in the automotive sector in Europe. For me working in Germany in an international company is a good platform to understand what is going on in the industry in Italy, not only with focus on software quality, but also on safety and security. During the years the spin became also more international, hosting speeches from practitioners from outside of Italy."
Livia Franzitta
Automotive Spice Assessor, Bosch Engineering GmbH
"Per me, che in precedenza non avevo avuto contatti con il mondo
automotive, partecipare a Automotive SPIN Italia è stata un'esperienza
positiva e formativa, un momento di incontro grazie al quale i punti
di vista dell'industria automobilistica, della ricerca scientifica,
degli esperti di functional safety e di ingegneria del software si
arricchiscono vicendevolmente. Sempre organizzato in modo
impeccabile: un esempio al quale altri settori industriali dovrebbero
Roberto Bagnara
BUGSENG (CTO and Chief Scientist)