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22nd Automotive Spin Italia Workshop - 23 May 2024, Kilometro Rosso (Bergamo) - Mixed Format


Software Integration Test according to ASPICE 4.0

G. Pepe (UL)


Release approval automation & regulatory compliance: mission impossible?

L. Franzitta, V. Franzitta (Bosch)


Automotive SPICE and Cybersecurity - Are ISO 21434 and Security Engineering processes perfectly aligned?

R. Gordani (Intecs)


A Tale of Machine Learning Process Models - ASPICE Machine Learning Engineering (MLE) vs SAFEXPLAIN AI Functional Safety Management (AI-FSM)

C. Donzella (Exida Dev)


Usage of AI in Stakeholder Requirement specification: a Comparison between Human- and AI-based workflows

V. Sannino (ByLogix)


Driving Forward: Security by Design in Automotive Industry

C. Leo (ART s.p.a.)


Security in automotive applications – Technical aspects and cyber security by design

R. Attale (Siemens)


Model Based Safety Analyses for Functional Safety Development

A. Badin, A. Fiorilli (Akkodis)


An Evaluation of Cybersecurity Risks for AI and SDV in the Automotive Industry

D. Kengo Oka (Synopsys), N. Vinzenz (Continental Engineering Services)


A Refined Risk Assessment Framework for Automotive

F. Merola (ISTI - CNR)

21th Automotive Spin Italia Workshop - 30 May 2023, Kilometro Rosso (Bergamo) - Mixed Format


User Cases and Scenario Catalogue for ML/DL-based solutions testing in Vehicles

G. Nicosia (Exida-dev)

Tracciabilità delle safety analyses lungo il V model cycle

A. Fiorilli (Akkodis)

OSS and ASPICE: like water and oil?

C. Donzella (Exida-dev)

Anomaly and Intrusion Detection Algorithms for CAN-bus Networking Security in Automotive Applications

C. Rosadini (Marelli Europe)

Comparison among Automotive Cybersecurity Standards

S. Floridan , J. Fritz (UL Solutions)

Challenges and opportunities in vehicle electrification - a North American perspective

G. Rizzoni (Automotive Research Center – Ohio State University)

Cybersecurity – TARA EPB stand alone

S. Longoni (Brembo)

Challenges of the interactions between Safety and Security

R. Gordani (Intecs)

Process Performance and Process Efficiency Indicators in Automotive SPICE

L. Franzitta (Bosch Engineering GmbH)

Interaction between Project/Change/Problem Management: Marelli EPT use case

S. di Vico (Marelli)

Tracciabilità e Granularita dei Requisiti in Automotive SPICE

G. Pepe (Kugler-Maag CIE)

20th Automotive Spin Italia Workshop - 3 November 2022, Kilometro Rosso (Bergamo) - Mixed Format

Status and Outlook to Automotive SPICE 4.0

B. Vanamali- VDA PG13

The new UNECE and EC Regulations in the automotive sector: game changers?

C. Donzella - Exida

SOFTWARE DEFINED VEHICLES: Advancing a new software paradigm for autonomous driving.

D. Buffa - Wind River

Development of ASIL D double rear electric drivetrain Functional safety’s impacts on development process and product

A. Palazzetti - Marelli

Integrating Cybersecurity Concerns in Functional Safety Assurance of AI-Based Automotive Systems

F. Merola- Università di Pisa / CNR-ISTI

19th Automotive Spin Italia Workshop - 18 November 2021, Online

Processi e tool per la gestione della vulnerabilità di prodotti automotive

C. Senni - Marelli

“R156: UN Regulation on  Software Updates and Software Updates Management Systems”, an overview

V. Lomi - Intecs

Software Defined Vehicles and the need for Standardization

A. Gallo - Linaro


U. Schiara - Bitron

18th Automotive Spin Italia Workshop - 27 May 2021, Online

Automotive Cybersecurity – Different Aspects

T. Liedtke - Kugler Maag CIE

Automotive SPICE for Cybersecurity

A. Hoenow - Continental

Cybersecurity regulations Impact on OEMs and suppliers

A. Cornelio - Marelli

KOFFEE Kia OFFensivE Exploit

G. Costantino I. Matteucci- CNR - IIT

17th Automotive Spin Italia Workshop - 21 February 2020, Milano

An efficient approach to consider SW quality metrics during unit design phase

A. Melani, S. Mazzoleni - Brembo

Functional Safety Aspects in Mixed Criticality Systems

F. Tronci - Evidence

Challenges towards ADAS and Automated Driving adoption

S. Fabris - Mobileye

SAFE AND SOUND? Experiences in ASPICE assessments on projects working with SAFe setup

L. Franzitta, V. Franzitta - Bosch

Digital Strategy and Corporate Identity of AUTOMOTIVE SPIN ITALIA

M.V. Lami - Univ. di Pisa

The Qualification of Software Tools in Compliance with ISO 26262

R. Bagnara - Univ. di Parma, Bugseng

intacs PRM/PAM Hardware Engineering (HWE) Intacs Working Group ‘HW Engineering Processes’

C. Donzella, G. Pepe, C. La Rocca

Impact of Blockchain Technology in Automotive

F. Falcini - Consultant, CNR-ISTI; G. Lami - CNR-ISTI

16th Automotive Spin Italia Workshop - 21 February 2019, Centro Ricerche FIAT Orbassano (TO)

Electronics Software Capability Evaluation

A. Mitidieri - FCA

THE MISRA C Coding rules standard

R. Bagnara - BUGSENG

PISA Model: a new scheme for process assessment and improvement

F. Falcini, G. Lami

TOUCAN: a proTocol tO secUre Controlled Area Network

G. Costantino, I. Matteucci

End-to-end Security for Connected Vehicles Architectures

J. Olig

15th Automotive Spin Italia Workshop - 22 February 2018, Centro Ricerche FIAT Orbassano (TO)

Automotive Hot Topics: The IEEE Software Special Issue

J. Favaro

CANDY: haCking infotAiNment anDroid sYstems

G. Costantino, I. Matteucci

Building Cybersecurity on Plant - Impacts on Manufacturing processes

A. Farsaci

Mind the Gap: Benefits and Pitfalls of Trace-Based Code Coverage for ASIL D

M. Menegotto, C. Sax

Autonomous Real-Time Software & Systems Testing

T. Fehlmann

Testing in the Google car era, are we ready?

M. Violante, N. Frisco

Collaborative automotive community for real time, open road friction identification and information sharing

E. Leo, C. Maroni, G. Morandi, M. Pezzola

Vehicle Information Security from an unusual perspective

T. Ferrero, U. Schiara

Why Automotive SPICE?

P. Panaroni

14th Automotive SPIN Italia Workshop - 10 November 2016, Milano

Development of intrusion detection system for vehicle CAN bus cycle security

A. Cornelio, E. Bragaglia, C. Senni, W. Nesci

HERCULES: software architecture for next-generation autonomous driving platforms

P. Gai

MISRA C, for Security's Sake!

R. Bagnara

Car Hacking: the evolution of existing solutions and the emerging standards and tools

L. Mancini, F. De Santis

13th Automotive SPIN Italia Workshop - 12 November 2015, Milano

Safe vehicle fault injection for the validation of automotive systems up to ASIL D

G. Fiaccola, F. Tronci, M. Ferrato, F. Tagliabò

Multicore platform towards automotive safety challenges

R. Nozahic

Diversity for Safety of Systems and Software in Context of the Standard ISO/IEC26262

V. Kharchenko, E. Brezhnev

Integrated Automotive Safety & Security

J. Favaro

Automotive Cybersecurity: challenges and opportunitie

A. Farsaci, C. Senni

Play LEGO and improve! A "magic" combination for improvement

L. Buglione, L. Gusmini

Empirical study on weaknesses in automotive software process based on Automotive SPICE assessment results

F. Falcini, G. Lami

12th Automotive SPIN Italia Workshop - 30 October 2014, Milano

MM Agile: SCRUM + Automotive SPICE

R. Carmeli, R. Rocio

Agile in Automotive: State of the Practice

H. Degen-Heintz

Automotive Security

S. Zindler

ISO 26262: Safety Case e dintorni

F. Falcini

On the Toyota SUA case and the redefinition of product liability for embedded software

R. Bagnara

Conformità allo Standard ISO 26262: responabilità e aspetti legali

P. Gai, F. Rossi

Be ready for the future: the Integration of Software (ALM) and Product (PLM) Development Platforms

S. Rizzo, E. Sivera

The (hidden) costs of SW Quality: Assessors', OEM's and TIER1's Concerns

U. Schiara, A. Mitidieri, G. Lami

11th Automotive SPIN Italia Workshop - 7 November 2013, Milano

Automotive SPICE 3.0

F. Bella

Progetto AIDA per AGILE

E. Viale

Is the Code We Have Verified What We Really Have Embedded?

R. Bagnara, U. Schiara

ToucHMore: Automatic Customizable Tool-Chain for Heterogeneous Multicore Platform Software Development

L. Nuzzi

AUTOSAR e Functional Safety

J. Favaro, J. Olig

Fault Injection for AUTOSAR Systems: Challenges and Solutions

A. Pecchia

How to model faults on SW architectural level: an approach to ISO26262 SW safety analysis

F. Rossi

Instrument Cluster 2.0

C. Argiri, A. Rossi

10th Automotive SPIN Italia Workshop - 25 October 2012, Milano

Improve your process, don't forget old lessons to reach your safety goals

M. Crippa

Introduzione di ISO 26262 in un progetto di veicolo ibrido

M. Morisio

Esperienze pratiche di applicazione dello standard ISO26262

F. Rossi

Le normative e gli standard del settore automotive (ISO 26262, IEC 61508, MISRA, AUTOSAR) come ausilio alla progettazione

A. Sardini

Requirements Engineering and Management with ISO 26262 and Automotive SPICE

F. Bella

Open source ed automotive, sviluppi correnti e prospettive

P. Gai

Application of AIDA Model for Achieving ISO 26262 Compliance

M.A. Garcia, E. Viale

MASP (Metrics in Automotive Software Projects) - Purpose, Scope & Results

L. Buglione

Automotive SPICE e strategie efficaci di V&V in contesti progettuali medio piccoli

F. Falcini

9th Automotive SPIN Italia Workshop - 1 December 2011, Milano

The IntACS Scheme

F. Bella

ISO 26262 at Work: Car Maker and Supplier Working side by side for safety

F. Rossi

Esperienze di esecuzione di Gap Analysis e relativi Piani di adeguamento dei processi di progettazione e integrazione rispetto allo standard ISO/FDIS 26262

E. Viale

ISO 26262: Main Experiences Introducing the Standard in Organizations this Year

J. Favaro, G. Sartori

OPENCOSS: Project Motivations and Overview

P. Panaroni

MASP (Metrics in Automotive Software Projects): project overview

L. Buglione

Software Fault Injection for Software Certification

R. Natella

A Feasible SPICE Level 3 Quality Assurance Process

L. Ricci

8th Automotive SPIN Italia Workshop - 17 February 2011, Milano

Metric Cards: a Balanced Set of Measures ISO/IEC 15504 compliant

L. Buglione

Il costo della qualità nel Software Automotive

U. Schiara

AUTOSAR COnformance Testing - an overview

V. Lomi

Software Embedded Integration Testing

M. Maglio

Integration of heterogeneous model in automotive systems design

M. Di Natale

Functional Safety, Automotive SPICE and Agile Methodologies

M. Mueller

ISO/IEC 15504-10 Safety Extension, Yet Another Safety Standard?

G. Lami

Experience with ISO 26262 ASIL Decomposition

A. Piovesan, J. Favaro

7th Automotive SPIN Italia Workshop - 21 May 2010, Pisa

COSMIC: a new method for measuring software functional dimension

L. Buglione

Survey of Agile development Practices

F. Falcini

Critical Automotive Applications: Robustness and Safety - a report from the conference CARS@EDCC2010

J. Favaro

Bringing AUTOSAR on the street: Practical experiences

J. Olig

6th Automotive SPIN Italia Workshop - 4 December 2009, Milano

Application of ISO 26262 in Practice

M. Born, J. Favaro

ISO/IEC 15504 Part 10: Safety Extension

G. Lami

Organizational Maturity with SPICE - practical experiences

M. Muller

Tecniche di simulazione e automatizzazione per il software testing

M. Gallazzi

Standardized debugging in AUTOSAR

J. Olig

Verso la certificazione

P. Bizzarri

OEM & TIER1 relation in an AUTOSAR development

U. Schiara, E. Sivera

ERIKA enterprise: Sistema Operativo e componenti open-source per sistemi automotive

P. Gai

5th Automotive SPIN Italia Workshop - 4 June 2009, Milano

Top Metrics for SPICE Compliant Projects

L. Buglione

Automotive SPICE & ISO/CD 26262 - Their Mutual Relationship

E. Petry

The Impact of Model-based Development in the Software Lifecycle

J. Favaro

Automotive SPICE Assessors and Improvers Working Group (ASAI-WG) Preliminary Results

G. Lami

SPICE for Small Projects - Bitron's Experience

U. Schiara

model-based generation of tests for embedded systems: the MOGENTES EU project

S. Marzani, L. Fantesini